Mittwoch, 13. August 2008




Boycott the Nazi, Polluting, Poisonous, Coal-Fuelled, Smoggy Olympics

This is a group for anyone who thinks China is the greatest threat to world peace, trees, children's health, common sense, good manners, the air we breathe, the Milky Way and Shangri-La, and who believes that Western politicians and athletes should boycott the Olympics, every product that says "Made in China" on it, Chinese restaurants, films with flying daggers in them, and anything else that has any link whatsoever with that foul, corrupted country.

我们组都认为中国是世界和平,森林,儿童健康,人类共识,礼仪, 共呼吸的空气, 银河,香格里拉最大的威胁。我们认为西方政治家和运动员不但应该抵制奥运会,抵制每个“中国制造”的产品,抵制中国饭馆, 抵制飞镖飞来飞去的电影,还要抵制所有跟这个污秽腐败的国家有关的任何东西。


Here are five reasons why we MUST boycott the Beijing Games:

以下是我们为什么必须 抵制 北京奥运会的5条理由

1) The smog in Beijing is so bad that most people can't see three inches in front of their faces. Any athlete who runs, jumps or throws javelins in such smoky surroundings will die instantly and turn to dust.

北京的烟雾已经差到了这个地步:大多数人 看不清三英寸以内的物体。 所有短中长跑选手,跳高选手,以及扔标枪选手如果在这种环境下会马上死去然后变成灰

2) China is insanely genocidal. Its soldiers massacre millions of people every day in Darfur in a frenzy of killing that makes the Nazi Holocaust look like the hokey-cokey. China also trades with African dictators without first employing Bono to draw up good governance guidelines. Extraordinary, just extraordinary.

中国正在歇斯底里地进行种族灭绝。中国军队每天屠杀上百万达尔富尔居民, 他们热衷于纳粹般的大屠杀,并让这种屠杀看上去像跳Hokey-cokey舞那样轻松。中国在没有首先雇佣Bono去拟定统治国家的指导方针的情况下就跟非洲的独裁者交易。

3) China builds TWO COAL-FIRED POWER STATIONS A WEEK!!!! What madness is this? Digging for coal should be made into an international Grime Against Humanity (TM) and the billions of Chinese people who work in the coal industry should be hauled before The Hague.

中国每周建造两个烧煤的火电站!! 疯了吗?在还没有进行海牙国际法庭审判前, 挖煤会造成反人性国际污染,上百万煤矿工作的中国人应该被转移。

4) China puts spikes and magnets into the trillions of toys it churns out of its smog-producing factories in order to poison Western children, whom it fears and loathes. Any athlete who steps foot in Beijing is implicitly supporting the mass murder of American and European kids by China’s sly and envious factory-workers.


5) China has massively overpopulated the planet. No country needs 1.6 billion people for god’s sake. Clearly the wishy-washy one-child policy has not worked, and China must with haste recruit Jonathon Porritt and the Optimum Population Trust to advise it on how to reduce its population by 92 per cent in the next seven-and-a-half years.

中国在这个星球有太多的人口。我的天啊,哪个国家需要16亿人啊?糊里糊涂的一个孩子的政策很明显没起到作用啊。 中国应该马上雇佣Jonathon Porrit和Optimum Population Trust(注:一个关注人口增长和自然环境的英国慈善组织)做顾问,帮助他们在未来七年半内把人口减少到92% 。



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