Donnerstag, 20. März 2008

You know you are from Zurich When....

1) start thinking that it's normal at the movie theaters to have numbered seats and having a break in middle of the action.
2) couldn't imagine to be no longer listed as the city with the highest quality of life. (worldwide!)
3) think it's normal when 6 hours after the streetparade everything looks clean and shiny as if nothing happened.
4) think your city is the best thing to ever happen to Switzerland.
5) ...people's dicussions about the lighting concept of the bahnhofstrasse for x-mas is more important than terrorism / wars / etc.
6) get ****ed when you have to either wait more than 5 minutes for a Tram/ Bus or you have to walk more than 5 minutes to the next stop near you.
7) know what and where the HB is!
8) feel like in little big city. Then you are in Downtown Switzerland!
9) ...having to sit in silence in a train compartment is a completely normal thing for you...
31) know the colours corresponding to the tram numbers off by heart.
33) pretend not to care when you spot somebody famous and despair at the tourists yelling for autographs. But you still tell all your friends that you spotted so and so.

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